Study of perceptive structures in latin american popular music



music perception, popular music, musical analysis, Systematic Musicology


This article begins with a brief review of the contributions of musicological research on perceptual structures in Latin America. In 1941 Carlos Vega published a proposal for the study of popular music, which later, with the contributions of Humberto Sagredo in 1988, formed an alternative study perspective with respect to the most widespread positions in the study of perceptual structures. Revoredo (2006) reviews Sagredo's approach to define the analysis procedures and apply them to many more examples of popular and academic music and musical systems. Two main concepts appear in this theory: "interest" referred to structural optimization and "perceptual time" referred to the induction of formal articulations. This article focuses these concepts on a variety of Latin American popular music analysis cases that include examining hits in commercial music, regional strums, rhythms and percussion patterns, melodies, harmonies, and popular theme forms. These structural concepts have also been applied since 2006 in acoustic perception through musical creativity techniques for coordinated improvisation groups, who used the urban and traditional influences of popular music to generate new songs. Finally, it is discussed that this line of research can provide knowledge about the experience of Latin American popular music.


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Author Biography

Ryan Lynus Revoredo Chocano, Investigador independiente

Degree in Physics 1998, Master Composer 2002, Master in Latin American Musicology 2004. Has developed musical analysis in academies and universities in Caracas. He has methods for popular music instruments, and with musical creativity techniques he has formed collectives since 2006. Currently he directs programs for for intercultural learning and develops musicological research on perceptive structures.


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How to Cite

Revoredo Chocano, R. L. (2022). Study of perceptive structures in latin american popular music. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 10(1). Retrieved from



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