Experience in virtual practice of music pedagogy in times of COVID-19





Virtual Education, Music Education, online learning, pandemic, COVID-19


The aim of this research was to develop a virtual experience in the initial practice of students of Pedagogy in Musical Education (PEM) associated with the Virtual Musical Initiation Program (PIMV) in times of COVID. An investigation of quantitative methodology is presented, of a quasi-experimental design, at a descriptive level with longitudinal application. During the 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic, the subject of Initial Practice II in Music Pedagogy (PEM) had to be developed in a virtual format through a Virtual Musical Initiation Program (PIMV). Two surveys were applied to the participants: One survey was applied to music students from the Initial Practice II who participated as tutors in the PIMV, while the other survey was applied to the parents of the children who participated in the initiation program. The results show that the application of the PIMV was well accepted by the students in practice, 72% of them consider it positively and 36% see it as a sufficient practical activity. Regarding the parents, there is a good evaluation of this program in both years, with 95.5% good and very good in year 1 and 100% good and very good in year 2. In general, the Virtual practice experience is valued as positive and motivated university students to highlight in their curriculum the completion of Initial Practice II through the Musical Initiation Program in virtual format.


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How to Cite

Carrasco Lavado, F., & Pérez Serey, J. S. (2023). Experience in virtual practice of music pedagogy in times of COVID-19. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 11(2), 062. https://doi.org/10.24215/18530494e062



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