Creative processes in the arts: Undisciplined perspectives



creativity, arts, experiences, sociocultural perspectives, artistic creativity


We share some reflections emerging from participation in the discussion table Creative processes in the arts from a multidisciplinary perspective, within the framework of the GAPS2 Global Arts and Psychology Seminar "Creativity in music and the arts" held in York, Graz, La Plata and Melbourne, between September 14 and 16, 2023. Multiple voices, stories and experiences burst onto the discussion table that clearly show the diversity of fields of knowledge, contexts and moments where creativity is possible. Experiences allow us to define creativity as a complex and undisciplined process, in which the arts are challenged.


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How to Cite

Elisondo, R. C. (2024). Creative processes in the arts: Undisciplined perspectives. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 12(1). Retrieved from



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