Pronunciation and expression. A preliminary study of the articulatory possibilities of Spanish consonants as expressive musical resources


  • Mariano Nicolás Guzmán Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (FBA - UNLP)



Pronunciation, Expression, Spanish Consonants, Articulatory Possibilities, Expressive Musical Resources


The study of pronunciation for singing has promoted the development of theoretical and analytical tools that allow to understand the making of speech sounds in musical performance. However, although this knowledge pledges the development of an intelligible vocal performance, not much has been investigated about the expressive potentiality of speech sounds in music (probably because they are often considered as meaningless linguistic units). The linguist Alarcos Llorach (1950) proposes that these sounds are capable of evoke affective and sensory contents when their articulatory features are associated with the semantic component of the word they form (e.g., the syllable tam in the word tambor ‘drum’ recalls the touch of this instrument). According to this idea, pronunciation and expression would no longer be understood as autonomous elements that contribute to vocal music performance, but as components of musical discourse that are interrelated during interpretation. In order to explore this relationship, we will study the main articulatory possibilities of Spanish consonants (doubling, prolongation, tuning, aspiration and variation of constriction) and how they are used as expressive musical resources in performatic contexts by singers and conductors.


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Author Biography

Mariano Nicolás Guzmán, Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (FBA - UNLP)

Es Prof. en Música orientación Dirección Coral por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) y alumno de quinto año de la licenciatura. Integrante colaborador del Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (UNLP) y Secretario de Redacción de la Revista de Investigaciones en Técnica Vocal (e-ISSN: 2451-6082). En 2014 y 2015 oficia de asistente de dirección de Coro 71, creado y dirigido por la Mtra. Hannah Shanks, y entre 2015 y 2017 se desempeña como alumno adscripto de la asignatura Técnica Vocal II, en el área de Dicción y Fonética Internacional (UNLP). Asimismo, desde 2015 realiza tareas de extensión universitaria en el marco de los proyectos “Pedagogía Vocal Contemporánea, Educación y Comunidad” y “Expresión Vocal para el Desarrollo Comunitario” (GITeV, LEEM-UNLP) como participante becado. En 2017 obtiene la beca Estímulo a las Vocaciones Científicas (CIN-UNLP), y desde entonces investiga sobre la potencialidad expresiva de la pronunciación en la interpretación de la música vocal, bajo la dirección del Dr. Favio Shifres y el Prof. Raúl Carranza.



How to Cite

Guzmán, M. N. (2017). Pronunciation and expression. A preliminary study of the articulatory possibilities of Spanish consonants as expressive musical resources. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 5(2), 9–26.



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