Relationship between life, listening and musical studies in different profiles of students from the southeast of Spain




Perception, Cognition, Emotion, Motivation, Students


Perception and cognition of music are two aspects closely related to emotion and motivation towards musical activity. In addition, the importance of the latter for the achievement of the first has been verified by numerous disciplines that provide a part of the global knowledge of learning and musical activity: Aesthetics (Collier, 2007), Musicology (Shaw, 2001), Moral ( Fairlay, 2006), Politics and economics (Fouce, and Pecourt, 2008), or Sexuality (Trotta, 2009). However, social psychology and neuroscience are perhaps the closest (Hargreaves, Hargreaves, & North, 2012, Sloboda, 2012, Ockelford, 2012). In this article is presented an introduction of the state of the issue in musical neuro-psychology. Likewise, data are provided on previous general and current empirical researches for its concretion in six case studies of students, differentiated by persistence and performance levels in the musical activity. What is analized in them is the equality or difference between their musical life and their musical studies. The results allow to discern common areas in which the informal environment is revealing, but also discrepancies by age, context of analysis (life and studies) and profile of the students (dropout, average, successfull). From the reflection on them, the need of greater presence of what the student lives in relation to music in musical studies is highlighted. Its great incidence in emotive and motivational aspects will also determine its musical perception and cognition, resulting in performance and in continuity of the activity.


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Author Biography

Irene Martínez Cantero, Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Pilar de la Horadada (Alicante)

Profesora superior de violín y de música de cámara, con máster en investigación musical. Actualmente finaliza tesis doctoral con mención internacional y estudios de grado en educación primaria. Ha impartido clases en escuelas, conservatorios y universidades en áreas musicales. Actualmente centra sus estudios en investigación en educación y psicología de la música, participando en numerosos congresos nacionales e internacionales, publicando artículos en revistas como British Journal of Music Education o Cultura y Educación, y siendo autora de libros para editoriales varias como la Editorial Académica Española. Ha recibido becas de asociaciones internacionales como SEMPRE y ha sido miembro del comité científico del último congreso de ICMPC-ESCOM en la sede de La Plata (Argentina). Sus áreas preferentes en conocimientos y en estudios tratan la emoción y la motivación, siendo estos los temas principales de su tesis doctoral actual en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (con directores Ignacio Montero García-Celay y Amalia Casas-Mas). Sin embargo, ha publicado artículos en otras temáticas como interculturalidad, autismo, nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, neurociencia, creatividad... y, en general, todo aquello que pueda estar vinculado con la música. 


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How to Cite

Martínez Cantero, I. (2018). Relationship between life, listening and musical studies in different profiles of students from the southeast of Spain. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 6(2).



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