Teaching of contemporary music through new technologies

An education experience in university classroom





on-line education, analysis, contemporary music, teaching, innovative strategies


Reception of contemporary music continues to be, at present, for several decades, a thorny issue, worldwide, given the disagreement of this type of music with the public. You can see a similar situation at the educational level, in which the music of the twentieth and twenty-first, generally, shies away from teaching and learning. The present study intends to transmit a didactic experience in higher level students, in which the teaching-learning process of contemporary music has been treated with innovative techniques, from a distance educational model, 100% on line. With a sample of students with no previous experience in the subject, enrolled in the optional subject of Analysis of music of the XX and XXI centuries, it has been tried to elucidate the degree of interest of the students, as well as the degree of knowledge obtained in function of the results, in which four very specific learning factors have affected. The use of digital resources, through the virtual campus, as well as the practice of graphic-sound music analysis, has resulted in successful final performances.


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How to Cite

Vela González, M. (2020). Teaching of contemporary music through new technologies: An education experience in university classroom. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 8(1), 018. https://doi.org/10.24215/18530494e018



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