Contributions of classic guitar to bolero interpretation




bolero, adaptation, classic guitar, popular musical, latin music


One of the objectives of studying a musical instrument in academic institutions is the training of  instrumentalists. The incorporation of traditional genres in this level entails the difficulty of adapting music originally performed in instrumental ensembles to a solo instrument. In this article the complementary roles of the two guitars that traditionally make up the bolero ensemble are analyzed to propose instrumental techniques so both parts can be performed by a solo guitar. The proposed techniques are the supported touch, the drawn touch, the pizzicato, the natural harmonics, the execution of a two-note melody, ligatures and supports, dragging and the use of a bar. These techniques are applied to six themes, evaluating in each case which of them best suits their musical characteristics. The contribution of this research consists in the application of instrumental techniques of the classical solo guitar for the performance of boleros, fundamental for the incorporation of this genre in academic settings.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Laurín, O. J., & Beltrán Sánchez, O. A. (2020). Contributions of classic guitar to bolero interpretation. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 8(1), 017.



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