Revolution and ideal -Jean-Claude Milner in a radial hearing-
Based on the new essay of Jean-Claude Milner Relire la Révolution, commented on a radio interview of France Culture, the name revolution is considered from the Ideal in which the French Revolution was established, and the revolutionary belief to which it gave rise. At the end, certain social phenomena are examined, attached to the occupation of public spaces by the multitude.
KeyWord: Revolution - Ideal - Politic
13 de febrero 2017.
Laurent, Eric: “Occupy terror: las plazas y el agujero”; Lacan Quotidiennº456; 15 de enero 2015.
Milner, Jean-Claude: Claridad de todo. De Lacan a Marx, de Aristóteles a Mao, Buenos Aires; Manantial, 2012
Milner, Jean-Claude: Por una política de los seres hablantes. Breve tratado político; Buenos Aires; Grama, 2013
Milner, Jean-Claude: Claridad de todo. De Lacan a Marx, de Aristóteles a Mao. Buenos Aires. Manantial, 2012
Wahnich, Sophie: “Trois malentendus sur la Révolution”. L’Obs, 29 de octubre, 2016