Private investment in distributed generation of photovoltaic solar energy: comprehensive evaluation using a deterministic model
A case study
solar energy, industry, cost analysis, mathematical modelAbstract
In this work, the development of a technical-economic and environmental analysis is presented in order to estimate the potential of photovoltaic solar energy generation in the agro-industry case. Through a survey of the company's property, the annual consumption of energy in agricultural irrigation is characterized, concluding that it represents 90% of the firm's energy costs. A deterministic mathematical model of a policrystalline material solar cell subjected to the environmental conditions of solar irradiance and ambient temperature of the study area is applied, with which the current, voltage and power output data are obtained. Once the potential for photovoltaic solar energy generation is known, cell and panel arrangements and net investment costs are estimated. On the other hand, the discount rates are defined using the CAPM and WACC methodologies to apply in the flow of funds of the pure project and the 50% leveraged project with the French amortization system. The results obtained indicate a potential for photovoltaic solar generation strongly conditioned in a negative way by macroeconomic variables that could explain the disincentive in private investment in distributed generation.
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