Sanitation and embellishment in the spatial defi nition of the town. Mar del Plata in the fi rst half of the XXth century


  • Carlos Jerónimo Mazza Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


Urban history, Sanitation, Urban embellishment, Urban devices, Urban space, Mar del Plata


Sanitation and embellishment make up the harmonic sides into the urban transformation. In order for sanitation to thrive and insert itself into the social ensemble, the argumentative complement of urban embellishment is resorted to as its associated and natural consequence. It is at this point when, united with different collective representations, the sanitation device is made up, both as an ordering instrument of the health of the town, as well as part of a machine, of its aesthetic or formal dimension and, consequently, in a key element of the confi guration and characterization of urban sectors. Thus, besides the order and health of the urban ensemble, sanitation would also entail the urban embellishment and parceling; it brings together while it characterizes and divides. These conditions allow the start of a historic research work to be proposed here, where the formal resultants and aesthetic transformations of certain sanitation components become relevant urban interventions and, mainly, it is tried here to develop, with new interpretative elements, alternative hypothesis about its logics in the town.


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Author Biography

Carlos Jerónimo Mazza, Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Docente Investigador FAUD, UNMdP. Profesor Titular Regular Área Histórico-Cultural e Histórico-Social Departamentos de Arquitectura y Diseño Industrial FAUD, UNMdP.


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How to Cite

Mazza, C. J. (2015). Sanitation and embellishment in the spatial defi nition of the town. Mar del Plata in the fi rst half of the XXth century. Estudios Del hábitat, 13(2), 71–84. Retrieved from


