The Xul Solar Museum. Some morphological affiliations
Architecture, Intervention, Museum, Morphology, AffiliationsAbstract
The Xul Solar Museum, is a work of intervention of the architect Pablo Beitía which transforms the old set of housing and rental houses the painter Xul Solar in a new space adapted to a museum exhibition requirements. This process lasted from 1987 to 1993. The architect solves the work by not peaceful dialogue with the pre-existence, in a tone of avant-garde and attending to the personal poetic inclinations. The result is a work of exceptional value in the local scene of interventions in buildings jut museums. This work focuses on the analysis of the possible morphological affiliations that possesses the intervention. Establish conceptual links with the work of italian architect Carlo Scarpa and the artist Xul Solar himself. Analyze aspects and topics of the work posed some conceptual genealogy and an air of family with the work of that referencesDownloads
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