AiresIn the parks: public space and rock culture during the transition from dictatorship to democracy in Buenos Aires
Software for decision support, Systemic model, Quantitative indicators, GIS, Regional planningAbstract
This paper presents the design, implementation and use of a software that allows to build decision support systems based on quantitative indexes and indicators that may be applicable in the urban and regional level. The developed software can maintain the consistency in the values between indexes and indicators even in the case of cyclic systemic models. In addition, it can be coupled to a GIS to visualize geographically and numerically the state of indexes and indicators and display their results in a given time (run once mode) or observe these values versus time (monitoring mode). In this way, it is possible to see how the change in the value of some variable (index or indicator) affects the other variables in the system not only from the numerical point of view but also geographical.
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