Reflections on the level of energy efficiency of buildings in Argentina and its relation to emissions of greenhouse gases
Energy efficiency, Buildings, Energy use, Climate changeAbstract
One of the most important aspects of today is climate change and for emissions of greenhouse gases. Many authors and institutions treat globally and countries for the participation of the buildings, in terms of construction and maintenance, as a percent in global emissions. In most cases from global data that provide businesses and governments in each country. In this case the data come from that offer an energy service. It is unusual to have the vision, since demand from fieldwork and audits in buildings. In the work results of audits aimed at profiling the level of energy efficiency and GHG emissions of buildings and houses in Argentina are exposed. There is debate about the actions that have been undertaken to manage construction impact mitigation GHG emissions sector and climate change.
ISBN 978-987-07-0603-8
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