The The Architecture of the Periphery An insight into the work of Aldo Rossi and its current relevance to the recent developments in the northern periphery of Madrid

An insight into the work of Aldo Rossi and its current relevance to the recent developments in the northern periphery of Madrid


  • Juan Moreno Ortolano, Lic, Departamento de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
  • Alona Martínez Pérez, Dra, Escuela de Arquitectura de Leicester, Universidad de De Montfort



Madrid (España), Perif, This article analyses the recent development of the periphery in Madrid within the context of Aldo Rossi’s seminal book The Architecture of the City. The objective of this article is to emphasise the importance and relevance of Rossi’s work within today’s context, and to highlight his work as a tool with which to understand the current peripheral developments across Europe. Secondly, the article examines some of the challenges left by Rossi’s work and looks at some of the critical work undertaken since the 1960’s.This is followed by a more specific look at the work of the most recent theorists working within the context of Madrid itself ( Abalos & Herreros) and considers them in light of Rossi’s work. The article finally tests this theoretical approach (theory) before looking at the (project) most recent development in the northern periphery of Madrid (2008-2017). The article concludes with some insights into the application of Rossi’s work today and highlights the current relevance of his work in relation to the continuing peripheral developments across Europe. Critically, the article is structured around the importance of the relationship between theory and project, as this tension was critical to the group La Tendenza, to which Rossi himself belonged.


This article analyses the recent development of the periphery in Madrid within the context of Aldo Rossi’s seminal book The Architecture of the City. The objective of this article is to emphasise the importance and relevance of Rossi’s work within today’s context, and to highlight his work as a tool with which to understand the current peripheral developments across Europe. Secondly, the article examines some of the challenges left by Rossi’s work and looks at some of the critical work undertaken since the 1960’s.This is followed by a more specific look at the work of the most recent theorists working within the context of Madrid itself ( Abalos & Herreros) and considers them in light of Rossi’s work. The article finally tests this theoretical approach (theory) before looking at the (project) most recent development in the northern periphery of Madrid (2008-2017). The article concludes with some insights into the application of Rossi’s work today and highlights the current relevance of his work in relation to the continuing peripheral developments across Europe. Critically, the article is structured around the importance of the relationship between theory and project, as this tension was critical to the group La Tendenza, to which Rossi himself belonged.


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Author Biographies

Juan Moreno Ortolano, Lic,, Departamento de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

Juan Moreno Ortolano (1977) Licenciado en Historia del Arte y Máster en Historia de la Arquitectura. Es profesor en el Departamento de Ingeniería (Carrera de Arquitectura) de la UNLaM (Buenos Aires). Becario FPU del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España, Becario Fundación Caja Murcia. Ha sido profesor en la Universidad de Murcia (Departamento de Historia del Arte) y personal docente e investigador en la Universidad de Alicante (Departamento Expresión Gráfica y Cartografía). Actualmente finaliza su doctorado en la Universidad de Alicante.

Alona Martínez Pérez, Dra,, Escuela de Arquitectura de Leicester, Universidad de De Montfort

Alona Martínez Pérez (1977) Doctora Arquitecta por la Universidad de Sheffield, con una tesis sobre la periferia de Madrid.Profesora titular de Arquitectura de la Universidad de De Montfort (Reino Unido). Máster y posgrado en Urbanismo, por el Colegio de Arte de Edimburgo. Es Fellow del Geddes Institute de la Universidad de Dundee (Escocia), y anteriormente fue profesora titular de arquitectura de la Universidad de Plymouth, y titular de Urbanismo en la Universidad de Ulster (Belfast, Irlanda). En 2011 su trabajo Belfast @ Venice recibió el premio del Instituto Nacional de Urbanística Italiano.


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How to Cite

Moreno Ortolano, J., & Martínez Pérez, A. (2018). The The Architecture of the Periphery An insight into the work of Aldo Rossi and its current relevance to the recent developments in the northern periphery of Madrid: An insight into the work of Aldo Rossi and its current relevance to the recent developments in the northern periphery of Madrid. Estudios Del hábitat, 16(1), e036.


