The temporal dimension in the graphic representation of urban spaces and landscape projects


  • Alejandro Roman Folga Bekavac Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República



Landscape, Project;, Representation, Temporality


In Physics, Time is called "fourth dimension" to relate it to Space, which is defined by three dimensions. Given that landscape projects and urban spaces work with living materials - whose appearance changes substantially with time - the introduction of the fourth dimension offers a varied field of possibilities for the expression of complex phenomena, those that develop over time. and in space, what makes the graphic representation of the landscape a valuable and original object of study. In this paper we will analyze some graphic resources that allow to introduce time in the representation of space, in order to establish new ways to represent projects linked to landscape design and intervention in urban space.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Roman Folga Bekavac, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República

Arquitecto (FARQ-UdelaR), diplomado en Investigación Proyectual (2015), maestrando de proyecto de arquitectura. Profesor Agregado de Representación y Profesor Adjunto de Proyecto de Arquitectura en FADU (Montevideo, Uruguay). Ha realizado investigaciones y es autor de varios libros sobre arquitectura, proyecto y representación. Ha recibido premios en concursos de arquitectura y diseño.


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How to Cite

Folga Bekavac, A. R. (2019). The temporal dimension in the graphic representation of urban spaces and landscape projects. Estudios Del hábitat, 17(1), e061.

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