Paisajes resilientes
Lineamientos para un proyecto de paisaje en el arroyo El Gato en pos de incrementar la resiliencia urbana
Landscape, Resilience, ProjectAbstract
The region of Gran La Plata is affected by the successive floods of the La Plata River or extraordinary rains in a short period of time, putting the population in a situation of vulnerability. "Resilient landscapes" emerges as a powerful idea to reinterpret the "Water - City" relationship in order to increase urban resilience through an integrating and participatory Landscape Project in the Arroyo del Gato Basin. The methodology is composed of three phases: the diagnosis of the region, then the preparation of strategic guidelines and a final phase of intervention proposal in two articulated scales: territorial and urban.
Interpreting the territory in its complexity, is then a fundamental premise to develop a landscape proposal that is capable of generating a new urban image to recreate the balance between natural support and infrastructure, increasing the capacity for adaptation.
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