Studying, cataloguing, knowing Porto Marghera of Venice
Industrial landscape, Catalogue, Analysis, Inductive investigationAbstract
The topic here described is about how a complex area like Porto Marghera – the industrial district of Venice – can be analysed, visualised and understood. The result of this Academic research has been collected as an Atlas that is as a useful tool to decode the highly complex and problematic area. The Atlas gathers the many objects in this broad area (twice bigger than Venice): buildings, infrastructures, grounds, and free spaces. The Atlas nominates, lists, and catalogues them; it describes, orders and sorts data according to hierarchies highlighted depending on the topic searched. The hierarchies can be implemented depending upon the needs and reading hypothesis. The Atlas described in this article is a series of collections and repertoires that cast multiple opportunities for regeneration’s projects. The premise that oriented the data research and sort is that of environmental remediation.
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