From risk to resilience. Towards the design and adaptive management of the landscape


  • Miriam García García Maestría en diseño del Paisaje. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



Climate change, Risk, Resilience, Landscape


We live in a time called 'Anthropocene' where global warming, commonly known as climate change, is at the same time its condition and its most emblematic crisis. An era where the lack of control and knowledge of the consequences of the decisions of society regarding the environment have given rise to a renewed global awareness of risk. This global reflection must promote a renewal in the field of design and planning. A practice that moves away from the idea of risk control and that explicitly endows the systems with resilience, enabling their long-term adaptation and fostering their ecological, cultural and economic viability. Working with resilience then makes it possible to merge ecology and planning through adaptive management through design and experimentation


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Author Biography

Miriam García García, Maestría en diseño del Paisaje. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctora en Arquitectura, paisajista, técnico urbanista y directora de Landlab, oficina con base en Barcelona. Combina la práctica profesional con la investigación y la docencia a ambos lados del Atlántico. Su investigación y práctica profesional se desarrollan en el ámbito del diseño urbano y la planificación territorial y estratégica desde la perspectiva del paisaje y la resiliencia, con proyectos reconocidos a nivel nacional e internacional (Premio de la XII Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo española)


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How to Cite

García García, M. (2019). From risk to resilience. Towards the design and adaptive management of the landscape. Estudios Del hábitat, 17(1), e057.