The labor courts of La Plata facing the bosses offensive: the workers facing the "revolving door" of refrigerators in Berisso (1955-1960).


  • Andrés Stagnaro, AS IdIHCS


Labor Courts - Working trajectories - Post Peronism - Labour movement - Meat industry.


Working in the meat industry was always, at least until the arrival of Peronism,
linked to forms of contract labor where job insecurity prevailed. The state
took measures to safeguard workers and to provide greater predictability life
strategies of workers, but still were subjected to cycles imposed by the companies.
In this paper one of the ways in which workers sought to avoid the system
of the "rotating door" that prevailed, through claiming in the Labour Court. So,
before the open juncture in late 1959 and 1960 in which meat companies Swift
and Armour in Berisso began a series of dismissals for "lack of work", workers
carried out a series of measures to ensure their source of employment. These
included union resources, the request to estate authorities and claiming cases in
the labor courts. It is well known that the judicial forum, created under Peronism
had characteristics that favored the workers claim. In a context of repression of
labor (data for other significant it if you consider how that ended making refrigerator
Lisandro de la Torre in those years) this possibility gave workers a chance
to dispute the employer strategies cycles labor using the power of the labor
courts to set the amount of severance pay. These forms of worker resistance to
employer strategies will be reconstructed by means of labor cases filed by workers
as well as through news stories that reflect conflicts in the meat companies.
Keywords: Labor Courts, Working trajectories, Post Peronism, Labour movement,
Meat industry.
En Septiembre de 1955 Argentina entraba en una nueva etapa de su
historia al caer el gobierno de Juan Domingo Perón. La autoproclamada Revolución
Libertadora que destituyó el gobierno se propuso como objetivo el regreso
de la Argentina a la senda de la tradición republicana, liberal y democrática que
según sus ejecutores marcaba el desarrollo político previo al peronismo –lo que
se dio a conocer como la desperonización-. Este intento de retorno a la realidad
política preperonista tuvo su correlato en el plano económico y de las relaciones
laborales. Sin embargo, si la desperonización política encontraba múltiples
adherentes en amplios sectores de la sociedad, la idea de un retorno a una


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How to Cite

Stagnaro, A. (2014). The labor courts of La Plata facing the bosses offensive: the workers facing the "revolving door" of refrigerators in Berisso (1955-1960). Los Trabajos Y Los Días, (4/5), 134 a 155. Retrieved from


