Perceptions of psychosocial risk at work: an experience with non-professional employees at UNLP


  • Julieta Cassini Facultad de Psicología, UNLP, Argentina.

Palabras clave:

Psychosocial Risks at Work, Non Professional Employees of UNLP, Health-illness Process, Psychological Strategies


“Psychosocial risks at work: analysis of their impact on the health of employees, organizations, health systems and social security” is a research project that is approved by the SECyT-UNLP. It takes place since 2014 at the Faculty of Economics of UNLP. The research team is an interdisciplinary group of professionals and university students from different field such as economics, psychology, sociology, medicine and social work. From this perspective, the aim is to reach an integrated and holistic view of the Psychosocial Risks at Work (PSRW). The study of PSRW is very important due to the impact of them in the development of the organizations, working conditions, life of workers and, its inherent financial cost of health system and social security. The main objective of this project is to explore, identify and describe perceptions of the PSRW which occur among non-professional employees at UNLP and the manifestations of health-illness process in workers and their psychological strategies to face them. Finally, it is expected to analyze the consequences of the PSRW in socioeconomic dimensions of the organizations as well.


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Biografía del autor/a

Julieta Cassini, Facultad de Psicología, UNLP, Argentina.

Licenciaada en Psicología. Beca Estímulo a las Vocaciones Científicas, otorgada por el CIN - Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional - 2014. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.




Cómo citar

Cassini, . J. (2015). Perceptions of psychosocial risk at work: an experience with non-professional employees at UNLP. Orientación Y Sociedad, (no. 15), 10 p. Recuperado a partir de



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