Guiding and including vulnerable-driven populations


  • Nora Julia Kanje APORA, Universidad Maimónides

Palabras clave:

inclusión, género, ética, hospitabilidad, vulnerabilización


The work presents a vocational guidance proposal that was carried out in the Transgender Popular “Mocha Cellis”, High School in 2014. The intention is to promote reflection on the transgender population in terms of social and educational inclusion, and contribute to give visibility to the difficulties they experience. The proposal invites counselors to reflect on their own choices; such as the way to think about transgender population; and to assume the design of ethical guiding approaches.


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Biografía del autor/a

Nora Julia Kanje, APORA, Universidad Maimónides

Coordinadora Área Inclusión-Discapacidad en APORA (Asociación Profesionales de la Orientación Vocacional República Argentina). Docente Cátedra de Orientación Vocacional, Carrera Psicología, Universidad Maimónides.




Cómo citar

Kanje, . N. J. (2018). Guiding and including vulnerable-driven populations. Orientación Y Sociedad, (no. 18 (2), 145–155. Recuperado a partir de