Environmental Coordinates for the legal protection of the urban environment.

The case of the NNO Axis of the La Plata.


  • Alexis Manuel Palacios Abogado
  • Gabriela Margarita Cosentino Coordinadora Clínica Jurídica de Derecho Ambiental UNLP


Legal Clinic / Environment / Territorial Planning / Principle of non-regression / Environmental urban conflict


This article discusses a case pertaining to the Legal Clinic of Environmental Law of the FCJyS-UNLP, regarding an urban-environmental conflict on territorial ordering in the La Plata NNO Axis. The environmental legal opinion was in this case the legal tool used to supply a response to the problem. The fundamental aspects revolved around minimum budgets requirements for environmental protection, the evaluation of cumulative environmental impacts and environmental principles. In particular, the Principle of Non-Regression -which at the time of the ruling was not expressly enshrined in any regulation- yet emerged as the core and cardinal point of the solution, with conveyed important results in the protection of urban environment.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Margarita Cosentino, Coordinadora Clínica Jurídica de Derecho Ambiental UNLP





How to Cite

Palacios, A. M., & Cosentino, G. M. (2022). Environmental Coordinates for the legal protection of the urban environment.: The case of the NNO Axis of the La Plata. Revista De Interés Público, (7), 28–42. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/ReDIP/article/view/13861



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