Repensar el trabajo migrante desde el principio de justicia social
Migrant labor, social justice, society of equals, constitutional protectionAbstract
In this paper, I begin by making a brief consideration of migration and the freedom of movement. I then move to a particular legal analysis of migrant work. In this context, by nourishing the normative contents enunciated with philosophical contributions, we try to link the point of migrant labor, with the principle of social justice, and with a consequent constitutional study. Adding to those aspects the Mercosur Socio-Labor Declaration, we close the circle with contributions from sociology and politics, which allows us to finally understand that the migratory phenomenon is not a past social fact, but actual in our social and institutional reality (even considering the variations that have occurred in the last decades), and the importance that this contribution to a more egalitarian and just society may have to our Democracy.
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