The Antarctic Treaty in the sixtieth anniversary of its entry into force: origin and evolution




Antarctic Treaty, Antarctic Treaty System, Antarctica


Sixty years after its entry into force, the Antarctic Treaty has proved to be and will continue to be a fundamental international legal instrument for the administration of the White Continent. This article explains how it originated, what it consists of and how it has evolved. Each of the articles of the Antarctic Treaty that constitute the principles and mechanisms of legal protection of Antarctica, as well as the main international instruments that make up the Antarctic Treaty System, are addressed using a descriptive methodology. The objective of the article is to provide the reader with an overview of such a complex treaty – one, however, that has transcended the rigors of the Cold War and has remained in force to this day. The main finding is that, despite the antagonistic interests that may exist with respect to Antarctica, the Antarctic Treaty with its sui generis regulations has allowed that continent to be used peacefully and for the sake of peace and science.


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Author Biography

Fernando Villamizar Lamus, Universidad Bernardo O Higgins, Chile

Professor of Public International Law, Bernardo O’Higgins University, Chile Director of the Law School of the Bernardo O’Higgins University of Chile. Doctor in Political Science and Sociology, Pontifical University of Salamanca. Master in Business Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Lawyer from the Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Villamizar Lamus, F. (2022). The Antarctic Treaty in the sixtieth anniversary of its entry into force: origin and evolution. Revista Electrónica De Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, 4(4), 028.