An approach to gender stereotypes in the depiction of female genital mutilation in the movies

An analysis of “Flower of the Desert”




sexual violence, international protection system, gender-based discrimination, patriarchal system


This article tackles the study of gender stereotypes as found in female genital mutilation practices, based on the perspectives put forward by the international prohibition of discrimination against women and girls. Our analysis focuses on the film entitled “Flower of the Desert”, which centers around Waris Dirie, UN special ambassador (1997-2003) against the mutilation of female genitalia. By looking at her personal and professional path in her struggle to defend girls and women's rights around the world, we will explore the impact that the patriarchal system has on women's bodies and we will dive deep into the nature of this form of sexual violence.


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Author Biography

Mayra A. Scaramutti, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lawyer (FCJyS, UNLP) specialising in sexual violence in the context of international crimes. Researcher and consultant in the jurisprudence of international criminal and ad hoc tribunals. Master (UNSAM and Global Campus of Human Rights) in Human Rights and Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Doctoral candidate in International Law (University of Buenos Aires).


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How to Cite

Scaramutti, M. A. (2024). An approach to gender stereotypes in the depiction of female genital mutilation in the movies: An analysis of “Flower of the Desert”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, 7(7), 066.