Estudio de la dentición en peces caracoideos de la República Argentina


  • Amalia Miquelarena Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet" CONICET - UNLP


The dentition and related structures of 34 species of characoids belonging to 27 genera are described within this paper. A relatively high number of specimens were studied in order to obtain an estimation of intraspecific variation. Description of dentition was completed for 8 species, and precisely detailed for the first time for 26 species. Several points of interest, mainly referred to the greater or lesser specialization of dentition are commented upon for the subfamilies Characinae, Bryconinae, Glandulocaudinae, Tetragonopterinae Thoracocharacinae, Cheirodontinae and for the genus Hoplias.


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How to Cite

Miquelarena, A. (2019). Estudio de la dentición en peces caracoideos de la República Argentina. Biología Acuática, (8), 51 p. Retrieved from