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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • An independent text file is sent with: title of the manuscript; name of the authors and institutional affiliation of each of them; e-mail of the first author or the contact author; any personal data that must appear in images or tables. Said file has been named as: LAST NAME FIRST AUTHOR-YEAR.
  • The personal data of the authors have been removed from the text of the manuscript, tables and figures.
  • The file containing the text of the manuscript is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format. The file was named as: FIRST WORDS MANUSCRIPT TITLE.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The main text is in Arial size 12, single spaced, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm; right and left 3 cm.; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are indicated in the appropriate place in the text.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Directrices del autor/a, which appear in About the Journal.
    In the particular case of the number of the Oxford Acts XII-SIAC VIII, the authors must follow the stylistic and bibliographic requirements that were sent to them by email (in case of doubt, write to the editors).
  • In the case of having used a program for the management of bibliographical references, the format of the cited bibliography has been eliminated before sending the manuscript.
  • The tables and images are sent separately with the size and/or resolution indicated in the Directrices del autor/a and with the corresponding authorization if necessary. They do not include any personal data of the authors.

Author Guidelines

1 Editorial Policy

The journal will receive contributions in Spanish or Portuguese related to the interdisciplinary area of ​​cultural astronomy, within archaeoastronomy, ethnoastronomy, the social history of astronomy, and any other subarea of ​​cultural astronomy. Original research articles will be received on the one hand and, on the other, reviews or bibliographical essays relevant to the area.

In each issue, contributions can be sent to three sections:

The first of them, Bitácora, is made up of original research articles that have been presented as oral presentations or posters at the Jornadas Interamericanas de Astronomía Cultural -organized by SIAC- the previous year. Said contributions, regardless of the selection process carried out during the Jornadas, are submitted to the general evaluation process of the journal.

The second section of the journal, Horizontes, is made up of original research articles - not presented at the Jornadas Interamericanas de Astronomía Cultural- that may be sent at any time of the year and will be published in the corresponding number of the journal after completed the evaluation process.

The third section is Miradas, which is made up of contributions consisting of reviews and bibliographic essays. They may be sent at any time of the year and will be published in the corresponding issue of the journal after completing the evaluation process. These manuscripts are submitted to the general refereeing process of the journal, taking into account the particularities of this type of work.


2 Basic Structure


2.1 Manuscripts

In our journal, the total number of words is defined as including all elements of the text that will subsequently be published. The maximum word count includes the cover page, both abstracts, text, acknowledgments, notes, figure and table legends, and cited references. Although we do not have a fixed limit for the number of words, we recommend not exceeding 10,000 for articles and 800 for reviews and bibliographic essays.

Manuscripts that exceed this limit may be returned to the authors at any time during the editorial process, according to the decision of the Editorial Committee.


2.2 Figures

Our journal establishes a maximum number of figures that can appear in the printed version, it is 10 figures per article. Manuscripts that exceed this limit may be returned to the authors, by decision of the Editorial Committee.


2.3 Tables

The layout of the tables is sometimes complicated and they can take up many pages. Up to three tables per article will be allowed. These must be designed in such a way that they do not occupy more than three pages of the journal. Manuscripts that exceed the maximum number of pages occupied by tables may be returned to the authors at any time during the editorial process by decision of the Editorial Committee.


2.4 Right of the Editorial Committee to refrain from evaluating a manuscript

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject (with or without an external opinion) or return for review any material sent to the journal, on the grounds of: inappropriate topic for the journal, poor quality, lack of originality or inadequate length. Manuscripts may also be returned for review when authors have not adhered to the journal's style guide.


2.5 Photographs of human beings

Photographic images depicting recognizable living individuals must be accompanied by releases from both the person(s) in the photo and the photographer who took the photo, granting the SIAC journal the right to publish the photos.


2.6 Photographs of human remains

Out of respect for the various cultural traditions, photographs of human remains are not accepted for publication in the SIAC journal. Exceptions to this rule may be requested, through a request to one of the Coordinators, who will submit it to the members of the Editorial Committee. In some cases, drawings or other representations of human remains are considered an acceptable replacement for photographs. It is suggested that authors wishing to include such images contact the Coordinators prior to submission.


2.7 Remuneration for the articles

Our journal does not pay authors for their manuscripts or provide typing, copying, illustration preparation, summaries, translations, or any other tasks. They are the responsibility of the author.


3 For authors

The authors, and not the Sociedad Interamericana de Astronomía en la Cultura (SIAC), are responsible for the content of their articles. The authors have the responsibility to obtain written permission, if necessary, to be able to use figures, tables or any other material subject to the laws -national or international- that protect copyright. The authorship of figures, tables, etc., must be mentioned in the manuscript, preferably in the epigraphs. A work sent to the journal cannot be submitted at the same time to another journal or publication medium; nor can it have been previously published in another medium. Authors will be asked to correct the galley proofs of their manuscripts in the time established by the Editorial Committee of the journal. The final submission of a manuscript grants SIAC the right to use any of the figures that appear in the article on the cover of the journal number.


3.1 Submission of manuscripts

All manuscripts (text, tables, figures, etc) must be sent through the OJS system of this page, for which the author must create a user on this page:

Manuscripts can be sent in Spanish or Portuguese, in word format, font Arial, size 12, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm; right and left 3 cm. The proofs of the articles and the comments will be sent to the first author of a manuscript or to an author designated by the first author, who will be the contact with our journal.


4 Style Guide

Authors who wish to publish in our journal must follow this guide in the preparation of their manuscripts.


4.1 File with author data:

In an independent text file, a page must be sent indicating: the title of the manuscript, the authors and the institutional affiliation of each of them. You will also have the email of the first author or the contact author. Any personal data of the authors that must appear in tables and images must be included in this file, referring to which table or image they belong to. This file must be named as: LAST NAME of the FIRST AUTHOR-YEAR


4.2 File with the text of the manuscript

It should be named as: FIRST WORDS MANUSCRIPT TITLE; and all personal references must be extracted.


Manuscript Sections:

1. Cover information: This section of the text should contain the title of the manuscript, a single-spaced abstract of no more than 160 words, and five keywords. The same should be repeated next, but translated into the other language of the journal. Thirdly, the same should be placed again, but now translated into English.

2. Main text (on a new page), double spaced and indicating the location of the tables and figures. Footnotes: it is requested to restrict them as much as possible and in case of using them that they do not exceed 6 lines per page; They should be typed single spaced,in the same size and font as the rest of the text.

3. Acknowledgments (must appear immediately after the end of the main text, on the same page, with the same spacing, and the same size and font as the main text)

4. References Cited (after the acknowledgments, on the same page, single spaced, and the same size and font as the main text)

5. Figure legends (on a new page, titles listed sequentially, as they appear in the text, single spaced, and the same size and font as the main text)

6. Legend of the Tables (on a new page, titles listed sequentially, as they appear in the text, single spaced, and the same size and font as the main text)


4.2.1 Verbatim citations

Quotations of less than four lines must be written as part of a paragraph, between (double) quotation marks. A single quotation mark will be used only when it is necessary to indicate a quote within another. At the end of the citation, cite the author, year of publication, and page(s) in parentheses. If it is an ethnographic testimony, provide the place and briefly the data (age, gender, ethnicity, role, etc.) that are relevant to the case in question. In these testimonials the name may be fictitious (this must be clarified in the text of the article).

Quotations of four or more lines must be separated from the text and cited in block with double indentation and single line spacing. It should also be indicated in brackets if the quoted text has been emphasized in the original citation or if the emphasis has been placed by the author of the manuscript. It should also be indicated if the quote has been translated, as well as its translator.


4.2.2 Spelling

The primary source for spelling queries in Spanish is the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española in its most recent edition. Please refer to this dictionary, except in direct citations where it is essential that the original text be preserved. Or, in the case of Portuguese, follow the Vocabulario Ortografico da Lingua Portuguesa de la Academia Brasileira de Letras.


4.3 Bibliographic references:

The journal requests that bibliographic references be made following the Harvard standard, especially the so-called Harvard (Brad) developed by the University of Bradford ( /brief_harvard_referencing_guide.pdf ), with the obvious adaptations to Spanish or Portuguese. Some of the main bibliographic reference management programs provide this style: Endnote ( ) and Zotero ( In this link ( ) you can find a version of the style for Endnote with adaptations to Spanish. Examples of the use of these standards are provided below:


Quotes in the body of the text:

References cited in the text always bear the surname(s) of the author(s) in parentheses.


4.3.1 Simple citation

(Vallverdú 1991) or Vallverdú (1991)

For authors with two last names, use both last names in the in-text citation. Also include both last names in cited references at the end of the article.


4.3.2 Two authors

(López y González 2002) or López y González (2002)


4.3.3 Three or more authors

(González et al. 2014) or González et al.(2014)

The use of "et al." is limited to citations in the text, in the Cited References section all authors' names must be included after the first author's name.


4.4 Cited reference

If a program has been used for the bibliography (for example, EndNote), authors are asked to verify that the text is not formatted before submitting the manuscript.

*The reference section is titled REFERENCES CITED or BIBLIOGRAPHY CITED and must be written completely double-spaced.

*Each reference should be flush with the left margin, without using any tab stops, and with an additional space between each reference.

*Authors are responsible for references being complete and faithful to their source.

*All references cited in the text must appear in the References Cited section and all references mentioned in the References Cited section must appear in the text.

*Place the Cited References in alphabetical order according to the last names of the authors.

*Two or more works by the same author or authors must be cited chronologically; Two or more works by the same author or authors in the same year must be cited in the order in which they are cited in the text and differentiated by a lowercase letter accompanying the date (ie, 2001a, 2001b).

*Arrange the parts of each reference in the general order: author(s), year, title, publisher, place of publication.

*Do not translate the references, cite them as in the original.

*For titles published in non-Romance alphabets (Chinese, Cyrillic, etc.) transcribe the title in Romanesque style, if possible, with its respective Spanish/Portuguese translation immediately after and in square brackets.


4.4.1 Book

Belmonte Avilés, J. A. (1999) Las Leyes del Cielo. Astronomía y Civilizaciones antiguas. España: Temas de Hoy.


4.4.2 Electronic book

Miley, G. (2009) Astronomy for Development. Building from the IYA2009. Strategic Plan 2010–2020 with 2012 update on implementation. Paris: International Astronomical Union. Consultado: 27/09/2018.


4.4.3 Theses

Zuidema, R. T. (1962) The Ceque System of Cuzco; The Social Organization of the Capital of the Inca. Doctoral Thesis. Leiden: University of Leiden.


4.4.4 Book with chapters by various authors

Broda, J. y Báez, J. F. (eds.) (2001) Cosmovisión, ritual e identidad en los pueblos indígenas de México. México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Fondo de Cultura Económica


4.4.5 Congress Act:

It is cited as a book with chapters by various authors (including the conference data in the title)


Ruggles, C. L. N. (ed.) (2011) Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Building Bridges between Cultures, proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposium Nº 278, Oxford IX International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


4.4.6 Book chapter

Steele, J. M. (2014) Astronomy and Politics. En Ruggles, C. (ed.) Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy. Vol. I.  New York: Springer Science and Business Media. 93-101.


4.4.7 Article in a printed journal

Iwaniszewski, S. (2009) Por una astronomía cultural renovada. Complutum 20 (2), 23-37.


4.4.8 Article in an electronic journal

It is cited in the same way as a printed journal, but adding at the end the URL and date of consultation.

Romain, W. F. (2019) Lunar alignments at Ur: Entanglements with the Moon God Nanna. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology 5 (2), 151-176. Consultado: 12/09/2020


4.4.9 Article in Congress Proceedings

Frank, R. M. (2000) Hunting the european sky bear: Hercules meets Harzkume. En Oxford VI and SEAC99 "Astronomy and cultural diversity". Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, Tenerife, España, junio, 1999. España: OACIMC. 295-302. 


4.4.10 Websites, electronic documents, blogs and online articles

Schulz, R. and Lindberg Christensen, L. (2019) IAU Names Landing Site of Chinese Chang’e-4 Probe on Far Side of the Moon — The IAU’s role is to officially approve names of surface features. [Página web] Paris: IAU. Consultado el 12/09/2020.


4.4.11 Personal Communications

Wright, P. (2019) La potencia numinosa de los símbolos. [Comunicación personal oral] 11/10/2019.


4.4.12 Journal Article

Brown, A. (2020) Medición de la calidad y trayectos pedagógicos Página 12, 10/09, sec. Universidad, Consultado: 12/09/2020


4.4.13 Documentary/manuscript sources

Key, M. R. (1995) Meaning as derived from word formation in South American Indian Languages. Elkhart, Indiana: USA, M. C. Archivado en: Mennonite Church USA Archives-Elkhart, Box 1, Folder 17, Correspondence with Mary Ritchie Key, 1986-1997, Albert S. and Lois Buckwalter Papers, 1949-2004. HM1-907.


4.6 Tables

The tables must be sent in .xls, in separate files from the text, eliminating personal data. Each table must have a title. They may not be sent as image files. When building a table keep in mind the limitations of an A4 page. A table with more than 10 to 12 columns will need to be printed landscape on the page; Wider tables will need to be split in two or printed in a very small font size. In no case can a table be longer than two pages.

Larger tables should be divided into two or more smaller tables. Each table must be cited in the text, beginning with Table 1 and continuing sequentially.


4.7 Figures

The figures must be sent in TIFF, PNG or JPG files, high resolution for a better reproduction of the print, eliminating personal data. Grayscale or other photographs must be a minimum of 300 dpi and black-only lines (no shades of gray) must be a minimum of 1,200 dpi. Remember that the printed edition will be in shades of gray.

The authors authorize the journal to use any of the figures or photographs sent for their article as an illustration of the cover of the number in which the article in question appeared. Illustrators or photographers who are not authors must provide written permission to use the image (including the possibility of using it as the cover image of the issue of the journal in which the article appeared) and be credited in the epigraphs.

Each figure must be cited in the text and numbered in the order in which it appears, using the following format. Do not abbreviate the word "Figure". Example: (Figure 2), (Figures 2-5), (Figures 1 and 2), (Figure 7a-f), (Figures 1, 2 and 5).


Bitácora will be made up of original research articles that have been presented as oral presentations or posters at the Jornadas Interamericanas de Astronomía Cultural -organized by the SIAC- of the previous year. Said contributions, regardless of the selection process carried out during the Conference, will be submitted to the general evaluation process of the journal.


Horizontes will receive original research articles on cultural astronomy that have not been presented at the Inter-American Conference on Astronomy in Culture. Research articles presented at the Jornadas Interamericanas de Astronomía Cultural should be sent to the Logbook section.

Manuscripts for this section may be submitted at any time of the year and will be published in the corresponding issue of the journal once the evaluation process is complete.


Miradas, will receive throughout the year contributions consisting of reviews and bibliographical essays. These manuscripts will be submitted to the general refereeing process of the journal, taking into account the particularities of this type of work.

Manuscripts for this section may be sent at any time of the year and will be published in the corresponding issue of the journal after completing the evaluation process.


This section receives the articles for the Proceedings of the Oxford XII-SIAC VIII Conference of 2022, La Plata, Argentina.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.