Encounter with the religious in the ethnoastronomical field among European migrants and their descendants in northern Santa Fe, Argentina


  • Armando Mudrik Centro de Interpretación Científica Plaza Cielo Tierra


etnoastronomía, religión, región chaqueña argentina, migrantes, cielo


By using a ethno-astronomical perspective, and based on our own ethnographic and documentary work, we study the relationships with the sky built in the context of religious phenomena of the socio-cultural life of European immigrants and their descendants settled from the second half of the nineteenth century until the mid- twentieth century, in the central-north of the Argentine province of Santa Fe during the process of colonization of southern Argentine Chaco region. Thus, from a historical and ethnohistorical perspective, on the one hand, we will study resignifications of religious practices and conceptions arising from the migratory process experienced by the first religious Jewish settlers in the area here included. On the other hand, we will also address the socio-cultural phenomena involved in a process of construction of symbolic boundaries between two socio-religious groups in contact, which are linked to an asterism with origins in biblical interpretations.



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2022-12-30 — Updated on 2022-12-31

How to Cite

Mudrik, A. (2022). Encounter with the religious in the ethnoastronomical field among European migrants and their descendants in northern Santa Fe, Argentina. Cosmovisiones / Cosmovisões, 4(1), 37–55. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/cosmovisiones/article/view/13703