Optimizacion de una técnica para la detección de patologías virales en Pleoticus Muelleri (Bate, 1988) en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, Argentina


  • Ana M. Roccamo CONICET - Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca, Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Patricia M. Cervellini Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • M. Cintia Piccolo 2 CONICET- Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía, Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Francisco J. Barrantes CONICET - Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca, Universidad Nacional del Sur


virus, Pleoticus muelleri, WSSV, TSV, YHV


Trade in aquatic animals calls for the implementation of controls for the detection of pathogenic viruses in line with the regulations of the OIE, the World Organization for Animal Heath. In relation specifically to trade in crustaceans, the OIE identifies the following diseases: White Spot syndrome virus disease (WSSV); Yellow Head Virus disease (YHV); and Taura syndrome virus disease (TSV), all of which are highly dangerous. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these viruses occur in wild populations of Pleoticus muelleri in Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina, using biochemical, molecular biology and genetics methods. The results show that the methods used for DNA and RNA extraction and purification from the tissue and hemolymph of these crustaceans, and the techniques for their capture, packaging and transportation to the laboratory have been optimized. Tests were properly validated by negative and positive controls. None of the named diseases were found in the wild populations of Pleoticus muelleri. The methodology followed in the present research not only enables early detection and diagnosis of the three viral pathologies but also ensures an infection-free status with the concomitant health benefits for the region.


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How to Cite

Roccamo, A. M., Cervellini, P. M., Piccolo, M. C., & Barrantes, F. J. (2010). Optimizacion de una técnica para la detección de patologías virales en Pleoticus Muelleri (Bate, 1988) en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Geoacta, 35(1), 40–47. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/geoacta/article/view/13605



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