Parametrización de la radiación en modelos de circulación general de la atmosfera


  • Sandra C.B. Barreira Depto. de Meteorología. Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires


circulación general de la atmósfera, temperatura, radiación


The results of including the physical processes of solar and terrestrial radiation in an hemispheric five level general circulation model of the atmosphere are shown in the present paper. The analysis was limited to the temperature fields resulting after a five days integration of the model, but it is known that the radiation affects others fields like surface pressure or a - level geopotential, and, for this reason, the air velocity. Several experiments including or not the radiation and the diffusion of temperature and velocity were developed. The mean effects of radiation and diffusion are not constant with height The 0 levels 0.1 and 0.9 are cooled by radiation and wanned by diffusion while in the others levels the opposite occurs. The biggest heating and cooling rates obtained were registered at o = 0.3 with values of 1.2° / day and -0.1° / day. This results must be taken in a qualitative way, because the model could only be integrated during five days and the incident radiation is the corresponding to the local noon.



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How to Cite

Barreira, S. C. (1993). Parametrización de la radiación en modelos de circulación general de la atmosfera. Geoacta, 20, 59–78. Retrieved from



Scientific work