A space for reflection. Bioanthropological research: what for and for whom?
The aim of this paper is to contribute to reflection, from the experience gained in the field of forensic anthropology as members of a team with institutional affiliation in the formal system of science and technology, through history applied to specific cases of community demand. As an example of these activities, two specific cases related to Gran Chaco will be discussed. The first one was a request made to the forensic anthropology team of the Museum of La Plata” by the wichi community "Pajarito" (Afwenchelhos) through the Centro del Hombre Antiguo Chaqueño (Las Lomitas, Formosa) for the excavation of their ancestors’ burial sites in the Paraje Esteros (province of Formosa). The ultimate purpose of the request was to legalize and claim their legitimate rights to their land, which was achieved through the final report produced by our research group. Secondly, we present the results of the response to a request submitted by aboriginal communities in the face of an incidental finding of human remains in the village of El Quebracho, deparment of Ramón Lista (province of Formosa). Based on these experiences, the concept of restitution, applied indiscriminately, ceases to make sense, since all our actions derived from mutual understanding and consensus among the actors involved.
Keywords: public archaeology;Gran Chaco; wichi community
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