Metabolic stress and secondary burials: new evidence for the study of the colonial populations of central-west Argentina


  • Daniela Alit Mansegosa CONICET
  • Horacio Chiavazza
  • Pablo Sebastián Giannotti



health, living conditions, porotic hyperostosis, dental enamel hypoplasia, 17th-18th-19th centuries


This paper presents the results of the analysis of metabolic stress indicators in a sample of skulls, jaws, and
teeth recovered from secondary burials in the ruins of the Jesuit Temple in the city of Mendoza (San  Francisco Ruins, RSF). The sample analyzed corresponds to the 17th-18th, and 19th centuries, and comes from an area of the Central Nave of the temple (in the Foundational Area of Mendoza, Argentina). Metabolic stress indicators: porotic hyperostosis (PH), cribra orbitalia (CO), and linear dental enamel hypoplasia (LEH) were analyzed in a sample composed by a minimum number of individuals of  22. We analyzed the  prevalence of these stress indicators by sex, age, chronology, and burial sector. High percentages of PH-CO and LEH were generally found, although with higher values in male individuals, among juveniles and middle-aged adults, as well as in the Early Colonial Period (17th-18th centuries) and among individuals of inferred lower socioeconomic status. The results are compared and discussed in relation to the trends recorded in primary and secondary burials of other temples in the north of Mendoza, thus contributing to the description of the state of health and living conditions of colonial populations.


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How to Cite

Mansegosa, D. A., Chiavazza, H., & Giannotti, P. S. (2018). Metabolic stress and secondary burials: new evidence for the study of the colonial populations of central-west Argentina. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 20(2), 5.



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