Termites as natural agents of postdepositional taphonomic alterations in a human skeleton from Toca do Enoque archaeological site (Piauí, Brazil)
taphonomy, icnoarchaeology, funerary archeoentomology, termites, Neotropical regionAbstract
Termites are insects that often appear in archaeological contexts in Brazil, that are almost never studied as natural processes of deposit formation and archaeological contexts. The probability of founding marks of these insects that modify carcasses of animals and humans in archaeological sites in Brazil and South America makes their study relevant. From a theoretical - methodological approach that includes Icnoarchaeology and Funeral Archeoentomology, we present the case study of a human skeleton with signs of bioerosion due to the action of subterranean termites in the archaeological site at Toca do Enoque (Piauí, northeastern Brazil) from the Middle Holocene. Guided by an actualist study protocol, we were able to record that the pattern of damage observed in the bones was consistent with the osteophageal behaviour of certain termite species endemic to the neotropical region (Family: Termitidae). The macroscopic analysis shows the importance of recognizing subterranean termites as natural taphonomic agents that act in postdepositional degradation of human bone remains from archaeological burial contexts.
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