Children of slave women in Córdoba (Argentina). An approach to the reproductive cycle from baptism certificates


  • Sonia Colantonio Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad (CIECS, CONICET-UNC)
  • María del Carmen Ferreyra Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad (CIECS, CONICET-UNC)
  • Dora E. Celton Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad (CIECS, CONICET-UNC)


During the colonial and early post-Colonial period, Córdoba city was home to a considerable slave population mainly women from different ethno-social groups serving in white people’s households. From a database consisting of registers of slave baptisms at the Cathedral church, indicators of slave women’s reproductive cycles were analyzed considering their marital status. Given the high number of extramarital births, single and married women were compared. The mean age at first marriage, at first birth and at the last one, the mean number of live children, and the protogenesic and intergenesic intervals by parity were calculated. The results show that slave women bore children both when married and single, but starting mainly when single, at similar ages to those of the white population. The average of live births was about 5, and proto and intergenesic intervals were long. These characteristics might have been strongly influenced by their particular life conditions and by the economic importance of having slaves during the period.

Keywords: slave women; reproductive characteristics; Córdoba; Argentina


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How to Cite

Colantonio, S., Ferreyra, M. del C., & Celton, D. E. (2014). Children of slave women in Córdoba (Argentina). An approach to the reproductive cycle from baptism certificates. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 17(1), 35–45. Retrieved from



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