Whole grain wheat flour bakery quality through conventional tests and a non conventional test


  • Juan José Calixto Muñoz
  • Dora Luz Pinzón-Martínez
  • Jesús Castillón Jardón
  • Sanjaya Rajaram
  • Mario Albarrán-Mucientes
  • Alma Rosa Islas Rubio




Triticum aestivum, bakery aptitude, fermentation test, final pH


Whole grain wheat flour (WGWF) is a source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, phytochemicals and nutrients and could supply the growing demand of the bakery industry for wheats with high quality. The objective of the study was to evaluate the baking quality of HGET of the varieties Cal Blanco F2011 (HCB); Mattchet F2011 (HM) and RSM-Norman F2008 (HN) grown in Mexico in autumn-winter 2014 to 2016, by means of conventional tests and an unconventional one (it consists of measuring the fermentation volume of each flour sample). Bromatological, rheological, bakery quality determinations were made in triplicate. An ANDEVA, DMS test (p<0.05) and a correlation analysis were performed. HCB has a higher protein (14.33%) than controls. All flours have favorable kneading times for a good volume of bread, with good fermentation and extensibility. Therefore, the three experimental WGWFs were found to be competitive to commercial flours, but HCB was superior in almost all tests. HM and HN are similar to HI in VOP, VOE and HAL making them comparable in bakery quality. The pHf of HM and HCB is the same, but in baking the last has better quality, making it superior to the evaluated integral flours. It is recommended to further study the fermentation test due to the correlation with important factors in the various quality tests, this in order to identify whether or not its use is feasible when evaluating the quality of the flours.


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How to Cite

Calixto Muñoz, J. J. ., Pinzón-Martínez, D. L. ., Castillón Jardón, J. ., Rajaram, S. ., Albarrán-Mucientes, M. ., & Islas Rubio, A. R. . (2021). Whole grain wheat flour bakery quality through conventional tests and a non conventional test. Journal of the Agronomy College, 120(1), 063. https://doi.org/10.24215/16699513e063

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