Role of flax intercropping with forage legumes in ecological sustainability

Evaluation through indicators


  • Griselda Sánchez Vallduví Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Verónica P. Colman Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Nora L. Tamagno Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Linum usitatissimum L., biomass, biodiversity, soil coverage, nitrogen balance


In Argentina, flax is produced under a reductionist model, systems with low biodiversity and stability. Intercropping allows to improve the diversification of extensive systems. The ecological sustainability of oilseed flax in intercropping with different forage leguminous was evaluated through indicators, in different spatial arrangements, compared to monoculture. The indicators used were: plant biomass of the system, residue biomass, residue quality, % soil cover, N balance, competition with weeds, conservation of biodiversity, total relative yield, energy efficiency and biomass of spontaneous vegetation 3 months after the flax harvest. With its average, the sustainability index was constructed. Intercrops with broadcast legumes were the most sustainable from an ecological perspective. Flax with red clover was the one that presented the fewest critical points. The monoculture had a good competitive capacity, but it did so at the expense of using herbicide, which implies a greater demand for external inputs and environmental risk. Continuity over time with this system will lead to the loss of biodiversity and the conservation of soil properties, compromising long-term ecological sustainability. Intercropping, especially with broadcast red clover, are valuable management strategies to be considered in the extensive systems of the Argentine Pampean Region under a low-input production model that contribute to the conservation of productive resources and give rise to more stable systems and resilient.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vallduví, G., Colman, V. P., & Tamagno, N. L. (2024). Role of flax intercropping with forage legumes in ecological sustainability: Evaluation through indicators. Journal of the Agronomy College, 122(1), e130.

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