Obtaining a new genotype tetraploid of Achylocrine satureioides Lam (Asteraceae) by in vivo poliploydization


  • Jesica Iannicelli Instituto de Genética Ewald A Favret (CNIA-CICVyA-INTA), Argentina
  • Verónica Bugallo Instituto de Floricultura (CNIA-CIRN-INTA), Argentina
  • Andrea Coviella Instituto de Floricultura (CNIA-CIRN-INTA), Argentina
  • María Carolina Galli AER INTA-Concarán (Regional Center La Pampa-San Luís, INTA), Argentina
  • Oscar Ariel Risso AER INTA-Concarán (Regional Center La Pampa-San Luís, INTA), Argentina
  • Susana Costoya Instituto de Genética Ewald A Favret (CNIA-CICVyA-INTA), Argentina
  • Alejandro Salvio Escandón Instituto de Genética Ewald A. Favret (CNIA) Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria




marcela, aromatic and medicinal plants, land races, colchicine, sustainable use


Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) DC. is a shrub native to South America It is a plant widely used in popular medicine. In addition, due to its colour and architecture, A. satureioides has ornamental potential as a plant to decorate parks or gardens. Like most medicinal aromatic natives, their populations suffer a strong genetic erosion due to anthropogenic actions such as over-exploitation, and the advance of the agricultural frontier. One way to help prevent the extinction of populations is to start with the process of domestication and improvement of these species, to change the extractivist paradigm for the productive one. Obtaining new polyploid varieties, with the advantages they offer, is a quick way to generate individuals with larger organs and greater resistance to stress, among other properties, as input for a breeding program. The goal of the present work is to obtain and characterize polyploid individuals of A. satureioides by applying colchicine, in vivo, onto their lateral buds.


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How to Cite

Iannicelli, J., Bugallo, V., Coviella, A., Galli, M. C., Risso, O. A., Costoya, S., & Escandón, A. S. (2022). Obtaining a new genotype tetraploid of Achylocrine satureioides Lam (Asteraceae) by in vivo poliploydization. Journal of the Agronomy College, 121(Especial 2), 095. https://doi.org/10.24215/16699513e095



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