Aqueous extract of Gliricidia sepium leaves: An effective biological insecticide against Sitophilus oryzae
rice, insecticide, mortality, resistanceAbstract
Sitophilus oryzae is one of the main insect pests present in cereals, in the department of Meta - Colombia Sitophilus oryzae is widely distributed in rice silos, in which it attacks the grain and causes damage to its structure, causing great economic losses in the sector. Define the insecticidal effect of the Gliricidia sepium leaf extract by the treated surface and direct contact methods allowing the use and incorporation of bio insecticides as a main basis in the technological transition to the use of commercial insecticides, helping in the mitigation of acquired resistance by Sitophilus oryzae. The extract was obtained by fresh extraction of the leaves of the tree through cold maceration. The percentage of mortality and emergence of adult insects was evaluated through the treatments applied with the following extract concentrations: 0%, 50%, 80% and 100%. The data obtained were taken after the times of 8 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours after fumigation. The applied treatments were carried out with 5 replicates, resulting in a higher percentage of mortality in extract concentrations of 80% and 100%, reaching up to 92% mortality by the direct contact method. In the treated area method, in addition to demonstrating a repellent effect, a mortality percentage of 68% was determined. So it is defined that the extract of the leaves of Gliricidia sepiumin high concentrations has a toxic effect on the weevils Sitophilus oryzae, being an ecological alternative for the control of this insect in the post-harvest processes of rice and its application method must be by direct contact in Sitophilus oryzae.
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