The extension in animal production from faculties of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Sciences of UNLP


  • Mariel Oyhamburu
  • Esteban Andrés Abbona
  • Roberto Refi
  • Enrique Jorge Pofcher
  • Federico Fernández
  • Antonela Mattioda


Extensionist role, transfer, participative approach, links, rural community


From the beginning of the 21st century, an extension team composed by professionals and students from the Agricultural and Forestry Science and Veterinarian Science Faculties (National University of La Plata) has been working in the field of animal production. This work, based on team’s reports, analyzes the changes observed during last two decades in the concept of extension, the role of the extensionist professional, its methodology, the recipients and their links, to reflect about the extension process in animal production. Three phases were identified, two of them with a transferencist extension mode and professional role, and the last one as an educational process with participative role. The linkages changed from a lineal, one-way relation to a feedback mode in the third phase. As a new strategy, a group of farmers was formed in Brandsen territory, requiring for a higher articulation with the other players on the rural community. The extension as a participative process needs more reflection within the team; hence the point of view from psychology and educational science was incorporated as tools to ease relationships. It is noticed that, to advance with a sustainable development, it is still needed to strengthen the links within the professional team and between the team and other player in the territory. The support from the University to the extension and extensionist should also be higher.


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How to Cite

Oyhamburu, M., Abbona, E. A., Refi, R., Pofcher, E. J., Fernández, F., & Mattioda, A. (2018). The extension in animal production from faculties of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Sciences of UNLP. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(3). Retrieved from