Progress and setbacks in the brazilian rural extension policy: critical analysis on ANATER


  • Alisson Zarnott
  • Vinicius P. Dalbianco
  • Pedro S. Neumann
  • Marco Antonio V. Fialho


Diffusionism, PNATER, settlements, policy, methodology


The Brazilian Rural Extension was deeply marked by the period of preserved modernization of agriculture. The construction of PNATER in 2003 and its orientation towards sustainable development, agroecology, valorization of the productive, cultural and knowledge diversity of the farming families was a very important achievement of those who defended a critical and differentiated rural extension. However, due to the diversity of organizations providing the extension service and the weight that diffusionism has had on many organizations and technicians, PNATER found it difficult to implement its proposal for Rural Extension at the national level. In addition to internal resistance, sectors that did not previously compete for rural extension, such as the CNA, started to do so and by the end of 2013 the Federal Government announced the creation of the National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension. ANATER, as opposed to PNATER, reinstates the technological diffusion as a general orientation for the rural extension service. On the other hand, numerous projects and organizations have sought to develop PNATER's ideas, including the Rural Extension Program for agrarian reform settlements, an experience that has built institutional and methodological innovations that can become references to other initiatives and to a critical to ANATER.


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How to Cite

Zarnott, A., Dalbianco, V. P., Neumann, P. S., & Fialho, M. A. V. (2018). Progress and setbacks in the brazilian rural extension policy: critical analysis on ANATER. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(3). Retrieved from