Problem based learning (APB) as a didactic technique in extension: knowledge construction among members of cooperatives. They do in the National University of Formosa


  • Miryan Ayala
  • Sabrina Ayala


Problem-based learning, university extension, cooperative learning, group learning, interagency articulation


In this presentation an extension practice is reported, framed in the approach of Problem Based Learning (hereinafter, APB), as a didactic technique that allows to develop an educational work directed to women members of cooperatives. From the concrete proposal that is exposed, it seeks to contribute to the training of facilitators and / or multipliers with a solid technical training in organic production, nursery of aromatic, shrub and forest ornamentals. The background and the practices carried out for its concretion are presented, as well as the impact on the personal development of the participants. The formative and productive proposal, built from the demand, is developed in the nursery of the campus of the National University of Formosa (hereinafter, UNAF) and in it, didactic techniques of APB and cooperative learning are put into play (hereinafter, AC). During the implementation, solidarity and group learning are fostered, both among women and students-assuming teachers and technical roles of companions and / or tutors. There is interinstitutional articulation between the Faculty of Natural Resources of the UNAF and the Ministry of the Community; joint work between the teachers of Sociology and Forestry Extension, the nursery team, advanced students and young professionals. The motivational value of this extension work is recovered by including women-of diverse origins, problems and level of instruction in a university-level training. It also highlights the appropriation of knowledge that allows them to improve their living conditions through productive ventures. In this way it can be seen how the synergy between the community and the university facilitates the implementation of a university extension proposal.


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How to Cite

Ayala, M., & Ayala, S. (2018). Problem based learning (APB) as a didactic technique in extension: knowledge construction among members of cooperatives. They do in the National University of Formosa. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(3). Retrieved from