Territorial transformation: agricultural intensification and soil loss on Marapa river basin, Tucumán. Argentina


  • Andrea Romina Díaz Gómez
  • Fernanda Julia Gaspari


soil loss, agrarian intensification, watershead


The territorial transformation is linked with the agriculture expansion on natural ecosystems, mainly forest ecosystems. The change of forest to agricultural uses, increase the soil loss. This agrarian intensification transforms the ecosystem to spatial configurations more simple and homogeneous. We analyzed the relationship between the agrarian expansion and soil loss in Marapa watershead, Tucumán (1986-2010). We applied remote sensing techniqueand defined different altitudinal scales. The results suggest that in the lowlands the expansion of 55 km² of crops generated a loss 121 Mg.ha-1yr-1 in 2010. In highland the native forest expansions reduces the 96 Mg.ha-1yr-1 of soil loss. The territory showed a tendency to a homogenization of the landscape, responding to the productive model of land sparing.


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How to Cite

Díaz Gómez, A. R., & Gaspari, F. J. (2018). Territorial transformation: agricultural intensification and soil loss on Marapa river basin, Tucumán. Argentina. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/revagro/article/view/6171