Types of cuttings and concentrations of indol-butyric acid (IBA) in propagation of mulberry (Morus nigra)


  • Francisco Mickael Câmara
  • Gustavo A. Pereira
  • Vander Mendonça
  • Eduardo C. Pereira
  • Francisco Sidene Silva
  • Luana M. Oliveira
  • Raulino Cardoso


mulberry, rooting, production of seedlings, IBA, sericulture


This study aims to evaluate the effect of IBA concentrations of types of mulberry cuttings. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA) Mossoró-RN, from May to June 2015. The experimental design was in randomized blocks (DBC) in factorial 5x3, with five concentrations of IBA (0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg.L-1), and three types of cuttings differing in the portion of the branches where they were collected (basal, middle and apical), totaling 15 treatments and 4 replicates containing 9 stakes by repetition. The evaluations were performed at 30 days after planting, where they held the destructive analysis for the morphological characteristics. The variables analyzed were sprouting percentage, percentage of rooted cuttings, length of the root system, dry matter of shoot, dry matter of roots, total dry matter and dry matter weight of shoots and dry matter of the root system. For the variables in percentage made to data transformation according to arc sine equation. The data were submitted to analysis of variance in a factorial, to the means of qualitative data was used the Tukey test, at 5% probability for quantitative data was used regression analysis. The propagation of mulberry by cuttings is an efficient method using cuttings of middle and basal portions without the need to IBA.


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How to Cite

Câmara, F. M., Pereira, G. A., Mendonça, V., Pereira, E. C., Silva, F. S., Oliveira, L. M., & Cardoso, R. (2018). Types of cuttings and concentrations of indol-butyric acid (IBA) in propagation of mulberry (Morus nigra). Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/revagro/article/view/6174