Effect of drought and sowing time on content and oil and protein yields in soybean cultivars in Tocantins


  • Alessandra Maria Naoe De Lima
  • Joênes M. Peluzio
  • Flávia Lucila T. Siqueira
  • Waldesse P. Oliveira Junior


irrigation, management, available water, temperature, stress


The chemical composition of the soybeans grain is determined by genetic and environmental factors. The water availability, coupled with sowing, are environmental factors with the greatest impact in the production and definition of the quality of grain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content and yield kg-1 for oil and protein in soybeans, submitted to water deficit in two sowing seasons (10/07 and 10/12/2014). In each sowing time, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas municipality. The experimental design used in each experiment was completely randomized in a 4x2 factorial design with four replications, represented by four management systems (water deficit in the flowering stage, grain filling and maturation and without water deficit) and two cultivars (TMG132RR and TMG1288RR). The management were imposed systems with variations of 30% (water deficit) to 70% (without water deficit) of available soil water. It was observed that the irrigation management systems and sowing dates affected the yield of oil and protein. Sowing dates had the greatest influence on levels of oil and protein than irrigation management systems. The highest levels of oil and protein were observed in the first and second sowing dates respectively. The evaluated soybean cultivars showed similar response as the water deficit.


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How to Cite

De Lima, A. M. N., Peluzio, J. M., Siqueira, F. L. T., & Oliveira Junior, W. P. (2018). Effect of drought and sowing time on content and oil and protein yields in soybean cultivars in Tocantins. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/revagro/article/view/6175