Sectoral Innovation Systems: the case of conilon coffee in the Espírito Santo


  • Arthur Olympio Avellar
  • Marisa R. A. Botelho
  • Antonio César Ortega


coffee growing, innovation systems, institutional arrangement


The conilon coffee in the Espírito Santo state has shown in recent years a significant increase in productivity. Progresses in genetic and process associated with institutional changes are pointed out as factors that allowed the development of activity in the state. This paper aims to examine the technological and institutional innovations in the Espírito Santo conilon production from the theoretical framework of Sectoral Innovation System, to which knowledge, learning and interactions between agents are fundamental to the development of innovations. The methodology of the study used as bibliographic and documentary research and, in particular, interviews with representatives of the main institutions involved. Through the characterization of the main actors in this system, analysis of generation and diffusion of technologies for the sector and the characterization of the institutional arrangement that supports the production of conilon, shows up as a crop that did not exist in scale commercial in the Espírito Santo until the 1970s became so important to the state and is now considered a reference in terms of research and development of technologies.


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How to Cite

Avellar, A. O., Botelho, M. R. A., & Ortega, A. C. (2018). Sectoral Innovation Systems: the case of conilon coffee in the Espírito Santo. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(2). Retrieved from