Ordinances that restrict the use of agrochemicals: analyzing the experience of Villa San José, province of Santa Fe


  • Gabriela Giordano
  • Maximiliano Pérez
  • Raúl Alberto Pérez


Socio-environmental conflict, agroecology, peri-urban, sociotechnical alliance


Technological changes in Pampas agriculture brought about socio-environmental conflicts because the widely use of agrochemicals, in the context of raising social awareness of its impacts. This happens mainly in rural villages or nearby them. Against this background, different stakeholders require the state to work on finding solutions, including a regulation of agrochemicals use. In San Jose village, conflict caused by the use of this products in farms adjacents to urban area led to law sanctions to regulate this supplies. Based on the sociotechnical analysis of the process of assemblying this technological artefact, the aim of this study is to analyze if the law finally became an adequate device to solve the conflict mentioned. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and available secondary information was analyzed (proceedings of family farmers meetings, technical reports). Although the sanction of this standard reduced the use of agrochemicals, it was never fully complied with, evidencing the non-functioning of this technology. Among the reasons we can observe that the producers had no participation in the decisions on the content and that they were not considered alternative forms of production.


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How to Cite

Giordano, G., Pérez, M., & Pérez, R. A. (2018). Ordinances that restrict the use of agrochemicals: analyzing the experience of Villa San José, province of Santa Fe. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/revagro/article/view/6183