The role of ProHuerta Program volunteers in Río Cuarto (Cordoba, Argentina) in the formation of vegetablegardens and the spreading of organic agriculture and agroecology concepts


  • Marcos Aurelio Campos de Queiroz
  • Cezar Augusto Miranda Guedes
  • Renato Linhares de Assis


organic horticulture, knowledge transfer, food sovereignty, public policy, social management


ProHuerta is an Argentine public policy that aims to improve food security and sovereignty of vulnerable sectors of the population and the spread of this program relies on the participation of voluntary promoters that encourage citizen participation aiming the formation of family and community gardens to obtain food free of pesticides. In this work, the goal is to analyze the performance of promoters in Río Cuarto (Cordoba, Argentina), discussing their role in the transmission of knowledge in organic agriculture and to stimulate the participation of civil society. The methodology used was to conduct in-depth interviews and non-participant observation. The work performed by ProHuerta in the Department of Río Cuarto constitutes an instrument of knowledge and technology transfer in "organic agriculture" and "agroecology" for local civil society as an alternative of food production with low cost and good quality.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Aurelio Campos de Queiroz

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).

Cezar Augusto Miranda Guedes

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).

Renato Linhares de Assis

Embrapa Agrobiologia


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How to Cite

Campos de Queiroz, M. A., Miranda Guedes, C. A., & Linhares de Assis, R. (2018). The role of ProHuerta Program volunteers in Río Cuarto (Cordoba, Argentina) in the formation of vegetablegardens and the spreading of organic agriculture and agroecology concepts. Journal of the Agronomy College, 117(1), 43–52. Retrieved from