Ammonia volatilization losses and nitrogen use efficiency in corn affected by nitrogen source, rate and application time


  • Pablo Andrés Barbieri Unidad integrada INTA-FCA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Hernán Eduardo Echeverría Unidad integrada INTA-FCA
  • Hernán René Saínz Rozas Unidad integrada INTA-FCA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


fertilization, nitrogen, volatilization, corn, no-till


Ammonia volatilization (N-NH3) is an important procces to nitrogen (N) losses from nitrogen fertilizers. Increase in fertilizer price need to develop management strategies that maximize fertilizer use efficiency. The objective of this work was to evaluate volatilization losses, grain yield, grain N content and N use efficiency (EUN) and its components: physiological efficiency (EF) and recovery efficiency (ER) in no-till corn from two N sources (Urea and UAN) applied at different moments (V3 and V6) and two N rates (60 and 120 kg N ha-1). A control treatmet (0N) was added. Ammonia volatilization losses were extended over a period 6 and 7 days after N applied for V3 and V6, respectively. A significant interaction N source x N rate was determined. Total N-NH3 losses were increased by N rate only in Urea Treatments. Grain yield was not affected by N source, N rate or application time. Statistical analisys included 0N treatment a 20% significant N response was determined. Grain N content, EUN,EF and ER were only affected by N rate. In synthesis, there are differences in N-NH3 volatilized between N sources, but did not affect corn grain yield. Therefore, at southeastern of Buenos Aires province, N source and fertilization time depends on economic and operational issues.


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How to Cite

Barbieri, P. A., Echeverría, H. E., & Saínz Rozas, H. R. (2018). Ammonia volatilization losses and nitrogen use efficiency in corn affected by nitrogen source, rate and application time. Journal of the Agronomy College, 117(1), 111–116. Retrieved from