Methodologies for the estimation of wood density and its implications in the estimation of genetic parameters in three species of the genus Eucalyptus


  • Pamela C. Alarcón INTA, EEA Concordia, Entre Ríos
  • María Elena Fernández INTA, EEA Balcarce AER Tandil, Bs. As.
  • Pablo Pathauer INTA, EEA Castelar, Bs. As.
  • Leonel Harrand INTA, EEA Concordia, Entre Ríos
  • G. P. Javier Oberschelp INTA, EEA Concordia, Entre Ríos
  • Silvia Monteoliva NFIVE-CONICET. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Bs. As.
  • Alejandro Martinez-Meier INTA, EEA Bariloche, Río Negro


Basic density, genetic improvement, heritability, phenotypic correlation


Among the characteristics that define the quality of wood, density has become the more relevant trait. In relation to the different methods available to estimate the basic wood density, the quickness, reliability and precision of each one, the objectives of this work were 1) to compare wood density values estimated by the empirical, maximum moisture content and hydrostatic balance methods in Eucalyptus globulus, E. grandis and E. viminalis, and 2) to determine if the different methods provide different genetic parameters. The average wood density ranged between 0.32 to 0.70 g/cm3, providing the empirical method the highest average value for the 3 species, tending to overestimating wood density. Heritabilities for E. globulus showed differences between the three methods, being moderate for E. viminalis and E. grandis. Given the high correlations estimated between the hydrostatic balance and maximum moisture content methods (r between 0.85 and 0.99) and the complexities inherent in their methodologies, the maximum moisture content method would be the most appropriate for the evaluated species of Eucalyptus, given its simplicity with respect to the hydrostatic balance method.


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How to Cite

Alarcón, P. C., Fernández, M. E., Pathauer, P., Harrand, L., Oberschelp, G. P. J., Monteoliva, S., & Martinez-Meier, A. (2019). Methodologies for the estimation of wood density and its implications in the estimation of genetic parameters in three species of the genus Eucalyptus. Journal of the Agronomy College, 117(2), 175–183. Retrieved from