Determination of the representative sampling height of the commercial stem for the estimation of density of the wood and length of fibers in two species of Salicaceae


  • Ana Clara Cobas Laboratorio de Ensayos de Materiales y Estructuras (LEMEJ), Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Bs. As. (UNNOBA)
  • Silvia Monteoliva Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata


density, fiber length, axial variation, Salicaceae


The objective of this work was to determine the optimal sampling height for the evaluation of the basic density and fiber length in a willow and an aspen clone. For this, five 45-year-old trees of Salix babylonica var sacramenta and five 17-year-old trees of Populus deltoides `Australiano 129 / 60' implanted in the Paraná River delta, Argentina, were sampled. From each tree 4 slices were taken at different heights of the trunk (0.30 m, 1.30 m, 4.80 m and 15.90 m in poplar and 0.30 m, 1.30 m, 2.60 m and 3, 90 m in willow). The estimation of the basic density and fiber length parameters assigned to the commercial shaft and the predicted height were calculated as volume weighted averages. The relationship between fiber density and fiber length estimates of the commercial stem and the values in each of the heights sampled was studied, by simple and multiple linear regression analysis. According to the adjustments achieved by the models, the optimum sampling height to predict both properties of the commercial poplar tree was 1.30 m. In willow it was the height 0,30m for fibers, however no significant model for density was found. The values at 1.30 m underestimate the value of the commercial stem in 1-8% according to species and property. There is no significant correlation between the diameter at breast height as an indicator of growth and the density and fiber length at 1.30 m in any of the species, as well as when considering the property weighted by commercial stem.


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How to Cite

Cobas, A. C., & Monteoliva, S. (2019). Determination of the representative sampling height of the commercial stem for the estimation of density of the wood and length of fibers in two species of Salicaceae. Journal of the Agronomy College, 117(2), 207–213. Retrieved from